I finally got around to replacing my rusted out muffler with a new one. I don’t like exhaust clamps so I welded in the new one myself with my 50amp 110v stick welder using 1/16″ 7014 rods. It worked pretty well even though most folks will tell you to use a MIG setup and that you can’t stick weld exhaust pipes – I beg to differ and am happy with the results I achieved.
I decided to do it as a side exit exhaust because I like the way it looks and it was easy to do. Doing it as a side exit removed about 10 lbs of extra pipe as well as keep the tailpipe from getting crunched if you back into something like a snowbank.

Here is the old rusty muffler from my 2000 Ford Ranger…it looks like it has gills and all the exhaust comes out the side instead of the tailpipe.

Here is the new muffler, Jones ATT12S-3 Turbo Tube (not a glass pack), installed on the tail pipe section. I added a 2.5″ tail piece because I like the look a lot more than the wimpy 2″.