Manjaro Linux Fails To Add Printer

If your printer fails to load in Manjaro Linux, use the old CUPS interface: http://localhost:631/admin

The username and password will be the same as the admin on the computer.

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Manjaro – Get that arduino to connect!

If you find that your Arduino isn’t connecting in Manjaro (and most other Linux flavors), you can run a command in terminal to give permission for your computer to connect.  You will want to run lsusb to find where your device is sitting, but for me this command works:

sudo chmod 666 /dev/bus/usb/003/*
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Encrypt your zip file in macOS

First make your compressed zip file as per usual.  Then use this command in Terminal:

zip -e

Terminal will ask for a password – this is the password you want to use on the new file, not your local user password.

Happy encrypting!

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macOS Stickies not staying in place?

If your Stickies windows aren’t “sticking” in place on your external monitor, here’s the fix:

  1. Remove ~/Library/Saved Application States/
  2. Close Stickies and reopen
  3. Enjoy!

Thanks go to Sera H for this fix from StackExchange!

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Handy macOS keyboard shortcuts

Every now and then I forget these two helpful macOS shortcuts – maybe others do too, so I’ve decided to share!

Immediate logout
Command + Option + Shift + Q

Show/hide hidden files
Command + Shift + .

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