The drywall is all up and painting has begun. I’ve also started to hang the new door. So far I have the new door jamb in and found that I had measured a little too tight and had to shave off 1/2″ off the door itself to make sure I had room to fit the door as well as shim it to the right spacing etc. What a pain!
It’s coming along though.
We’re also getting ready to install the chimney for our new wood stove this weekend. While prepping I found that the Amesti N380 we bought in March won’t fit our tight clearances. So now we need to return that and we are buying an Englander 17-VL. Surprise, surprise, my gut instinct was right. Also of note, the Made in USA stove works and the Made in Argentina one doesn’t. I will say that the Amesti did seem very well made for the pricepoint, however, I will never know as we never did get to fire it up :-/