I’ve been playing my guitar a lot more over the last year. I’ve been averaging learning 1 new song a week. When I say “learning” I mean, “I can play it with a lead sheet” rather than memorizing the song. All this playing has been on my acoustic. I don’t own an electric anymore as we sold both our electrics before our Son was born because we were short on cash. Though I don’t regret that decision (difficult at the time, but made sense), I do want another electric. I just don’t know what. I do know I want it to be reasonably affordable and made in North America. Here is the list I’ve come up with at this point (prices from Sweetwater.com and MusiciansFriend.com):
- $449 Fender Standard Telecaster : Mexico
- $489 Gibson Melody Maker : USA
- $499 Fender Blacktop Jaguar 90 : Mexico
- $499 Fender Standard Stratocaster HSS : Mexico
- $499 Richmond Empire : Canada
- $500 Fender Blacktop Telecaster : Mexico
- $699 Fender Cabronita Telecaster : Mexico
- $699 Godin A6 Ultra : Canada
I guess I need to start saving up money and then trying out guitars!