New version of FtoCK, new release – CurrentTemp

I have updated FtoCK and released it as version 2.1.  This release fixed some minor display issues in Safari as well as trimming some code for faster load times.

I would also like to mention the release of a new applet I made, CurrentTemp.  CurrentTemp is a simple applet formed around a CURL based RSS parsing function.  Simply put in your zipcode and it will tell you your current outside temperature in °F, °C and °K.  The data is provided by’s RSS feed.  Being CURL based, you can also input your zipcode without using the form field (useful so you can bookmark the applet and have it open to your zipcode automatically).  To do this, simply type in “?zip=12345” after the rest of the URL for CurrentTemp, where “12345” is your zipcode.  Enjoy!

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